Rabu, 22 Maret 2023

Conventional Learning

There are millions of people who follow the conventional learning or traditional learning system in this world. Conventional learning involves a mentor or a teacher, a confined facility, and a group of students that meet together at a fixed time. This system follows the trend of testing the knowledge of students through exams. The traditional learning system is slightly different from this. Traditional learning consists of a classroom, a trainer, and to deepen their knowledge the trainer provides the prospects or students written exercises to practice at home. Textbooks, notebooks, readings, a calculator, etc. are considered conventional learning materials. Students carry these materials as their tools to succeed in the learning process. And this system is carried out in the institutions commonly known as schools.

         The initial stage of everything in this world is important. So this initial stage should be handled with utmost care. Basic qualities such as respecting, sharing, caring, etc. are taught from the schools. These qualities mold the whole personality of children. In childhood, some parents pamper their children too much and allow them to do whatever they want; to some extent, this can even give way to the children’s personality disorders. Like the proverb ‘old habits die hard’ goes, the primary teachings should be the best. Also, the memories in the schooling period are important in the student’s life.

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